gifmis code for frsc offence payment

The word GIFMIS Code for FRSC offence payment is the same thing as when we say ” GIFMIS Code for Road Safety Offence”.

What is GIFMIS?

GIFMIS stands for Government Integrated Financial Management Information System


Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) list of Offences & Penalties, so GIFMIS code is Revenue Reference Number (RRN) for Traffic Offences (Fines) for Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC)

Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) GIFMIS code have several categories according to the Offences & Penalties.

Read: FRSC List of Offences & Fines/ Fees

Click to download FRSC GIFMIS code for Payment

gifmis code for road safety

Read: How to Pay FRSC Fine with GIFMIS Code

It is advisable to drive long with your Driver’s License even when you have a photocopy with you.

When you have your valid Driver’s License with you on the time scene of the offence, FRSC will only seize your Driver’s License and book you.
But where there is no valid Driver’s License, FRSC will impound your vehicle.


A vehicle may be impounded when:
i. The driver is adjudged to be under the influence of drugs or other intoxicating substances.
ii. The driver is driving a mechanically deficient vehicle.
iii. The driver is without a driver’s Noteor original vehicle papers or if in possession of photocopies of vehicle papers reasonably suspected to have been altered at the time of arrest.
iv. Dangerous driving offence is committed
v. The driver is under-aged
vi. The vehicle is suspected to be stolen

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