• contact@aziza.com.ng
  • +234803 3185 898


Aziza Nigeria and Aziza M.E.S Limited are one family. We offer Oil and Gas and Marine Business Consultancy services and engineering delivery services. We are trusted experienced partner that will start with you from formation stage to meeting the legal and other compliances requirements in Nigerian Oil and Gas and Marine sector and support you to grow.

Partnering with you or finding other partners to meet your need in the industry is our work. Sourcing materials and helping to improve, grow, or maintain a good business.

Our oil and gas upstream and Marine sectors consulting team is dedicated to serving clients across every segment of the sectors, the supply chain, utilizing our vast experience and deep research capabilities to provide strategic commercial advice.

We work with a wide-range of participants striving to enhance their competitive positions and secure greater future certainty.

Office Address

Email: contact@aziza.com.ng
Phone: +234 8033 185 898
WhatsApp: +234 811 611 2326

302B Port Harcourt – Aba Express way Rumukurushi Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Our Location

Abuja Nigeria
Lagos Nigeria
Owerri Nigeria

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