HOW TO ADOPT A CHILD IN NIGERIA (STEPS AND PROCEDURES) INTRODUCTION Adoption is a legal process whereby a child’s legal rights and duties towards its natural parents are terminated and bequeathed to his adoptive parents. It
HOW TO WRITE A WILL IN NIGERIA Have you ever wondered why women in most parts of Nigeria pass through “hell” when their husbands die? The world we are living in is a chauvinistic world, where the
HOW TO GET DPR PERMIT FOR THIRD PARTY BLENDING AND LUBRICANTS FILLING PLANT This procedure guide is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Petroleum (Amendment) Decree No. 37 of 1977 section 4(1) which stipulates that, no person shall
GUIDELINES FOR GRANT OF PERMIT/APPROVAL/LICENSE FOR LUBE OIL BLENDING/WASTE OIL RECYCLING PLANTS IN NIGERIA 1.0 APPLICATION PROCEDURE Pursuant to the provisions of the Petroleum Act 1969, Petroleum (Amendment) Regulations 1988 and Mineral Oils (Safety) Regulation (MOSR), all applications for Approval