Nigerian Federal Road Safety Corps has commenced online New Driver’s Licence Or Drivers Licence Renewal application. In this blog, we explained step by step how to obtain new driver’s licence or drivers licence renewal -FRSC
A new applicant is to undergo driving training and driving test before he/she will be issued a Nigerian Driver’s License.
Read: How to Pay FRSC Fine
How To Obtain New Driver’s Licence / Renewal in Nigeria
Step 1: Apply online at , print out the form after filling the required fields and also print out the payment form
Step 2: Pay the Licence fee online or at the Designated Bank
Step 3: Present your form to the Board of internal Revenue Officer or VIO at the DLC for endorsement
Step 4: Proceed to the Federal Road Safety Corps Officer at the DLC for Biometric Data Capturing
Step 5: You will be given a temporary drivers licence that is valid for 60 days

Step 1: Attend training at accredited driving school
Step 2: The Driving school will present you to the VIO for driving test
Step 3: Pass the driving test and the VIO will issue you a Certificate of Proficiency
Step 4: Apply in person at Driver’s Licence Centre (DLC)
Step 5: Pay the Licence fee online or at the Designated Banks
Step 6: Present your form to the Board of internal Revenue Officer or VIO at the DLC for endorsement
Step 7: Proceed to the Federal Road Safety Corps Officer at the DLC for Biometric Data Capturing
Step 8: You will be given a temporary drivers licence that is valid for 60 days.
Read: List of FRSC Driven Offences
How to Check if Drivers License is Ready for Collection
You can however ascertain when it will be ready for pick up by simply following this simple step on your mobile phone. It does not matter the type of mobile phone, smart phone or not.
As an SMS, type ‘NDL STATUS” and the Driver’s License number and send to 33811. e.g ‘NDL STATUS SAG68212AA’.
Once you send this text, you will automatically receive an update from FRSC informing you if your drivers license is ready or not.
My temporary Driver’s license has expired. What do I do?
At the expiration of your temporary drivers’s license and the permanent driving license one is not ready, just visit the FRSC office near you for them to extend your temporary license period.
Read:How to Verify Driver’s License
How to Verify Drivers License if Real or Fake
Do you know that carrying around a fake driver’s license is an offence and it attracts fine? Some Nigerians drive with fake Driver’s License unknowingly.
Below are the steps to verify if your new driver’s license is genuine.
- Go to
- Click on DL Application
- Click on Re-Issue of Driver’s License from the drop down for VALID Driver’s License or Renewal of Driver’s License for EXPIRED Driver’s License
- Supply Driver’s License Number and Date of Birth in the dialog box that opens
- Click on search
- Click Ok from the pop up box, after confirming the Drivers License number to be correct
- This will pull up your information as supplied when you processed the New Driver’s License
- If it does not pull up your data, means your New Driver’s License is Fake and is not in FRSC Data Base
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