Taxes in Nigeria are design and collected by governments. Taxes could be collected by Federal, State or Local governments. Contact us for your Company Tax Clearance Certificate in Nigeria All Federal taxes in Nigeria are collected by

In this blog, we listed Goods & Services that are exempted from Value Added Tax (VAT) in Nigeria by Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS). There are goods and services that does not pay VAT Nigeria. There are
Sample letter that you can use to make application for TIN, VAT or TCC Application in Nigeria. We explained how you can draft Tax Clearance Certificate Application Letter, TIN Application Letter and VAT Application Letter with sample
In Nigeria, it is now very easy to verify Tax Identification Number (TIN) from anywhere, any time. The tax identification number is abbreviated asTIN. It is a unique identification number that is given to an individual or a company for the major

We share all you need to know about TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (TIN) in NIGERIA. How to obtain TIN, the needs, cost, requirements, time frame to get it from Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS). WHAT IS A TIN?

In this blog, we explained in detail the number of major taxes individuals and corporate organization pays in Nigeria. It is mostly taxes manage and levied by Federal government of Nigeria. It is important to note here

Source: FROM FEDERAL INLAND REVENUE SERVICE 1. Introduction The purpose of the circular is to provide a general description of the application of the Nigerian tax laws to non-residents and in particular the extent of their liability to Nigerian taxes,


FEDERAL INLAND REVENUE SERVICE TAX ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE IN NIGERIA This Information Circular is issued as a guide to all Revenue Staff, Taxpayers, Tax Practitioners and the general public. It will be found very useful, particularly in the light of the

GUIDELINES ON THE TAX EXEMPTION STATUS OF NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS (NGOs) IN NIGERIA This Circular is issued pursuant to Section 8(1)(t) of Federal Inland Revenue Service (Establishment) Act 2007 which empowers the Service to carry out all necessary action that are

WHAT CONSTITUTES ‘TRADE’ FOR TAX PURPOSES: GUIDELINES FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC This circular is issued pursuant to Section 8(1)(t) of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (Establishment) Act 2007 which empowers the Service to carry out all necessary actions expedient for

Federal Government of Nigeria has set up a system for tax payers to file incomes, process and obtain tax clearance certificate online. Though it has manual stage, that where you or your tax agent need to physically

TAX POLICY AND LEGISLATION DEPARTMENT Clarification on the Taxability of Investment Incomes Earned by Government Institutions and Corporate Entities Exempted by Law from Taxation 1. The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) has in recent time been inundated with inquiries

HOW TO GET USER ID TO USE AND ACCESS THE FIRS E-FILING PLATFORM Download the e-filing Access Application Form from FIRS website: http://www.firs.gov.ng/e-service/Pages/ITAS-e-Filing-Platform.aspx Complete the form by nominating Officers or Agents that will represent your organization on

Business Owner and Tax in Nigeria. When you want to do business in Nigeria, the first thing to do is Business or Company Registration; the next question will be your Tax Matters. Filling of your Value Added

ONLINE TAX PAYMENT BEGINS in Nigeria Taxpayers can now pay their taxpayers online by logging into the internet banking platform of any commercial bank in Nigeria, choosing the FIRS link and following the prompting. This is the

We offer full-service accounting and monthly filling of financial records for financial statement preparation services to make your financial information easy to access at anytime and to prepare the final audited financial statement. Do you need

In this post, we explained what is Value Added Tax (VAT), VAT rates and VAT Requirements in Nigeria. The key requirements to obtain VAT in Nigeria are, you must have a registered business name or company in

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in Nigeria. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in Nigeria is an identification number used by Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in their states for administration of tax. Every

In this blog, we explained how to process and obtain your company’s tax clearance certificate in Nigeria for new registered companies, old registered companies but fresh application and TCC renewal. We also explain what Company Tax Clearance

Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC) in Nigeria is an important document issued by Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) or States Inland Revenue Service showing that applicant’s tax affairs are in order. TCC in Nigeria is necessary for various corporate transactions