Start this Blog from beginning 19. MANUFACTURING: Product/materials manufactured are to be specified, and not more than two (2) items will be covered by a permit.(Woodworks, Valves, Gas cylinders, cables, Ropes, Christmas trees, others) 20. ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION
DPR NIGERIA SPECIALIZED CATEGORY JOBS AND CONTRACTS This category requires that prospective registrants possess highly specialized/technical skills. For registration fee and processing fee, click HERE S/NO SERVICES 1. OFFSHORE/ONSHORE PIPELINE LAYING: (A) Pipeline Laying & Construction: 1.
DPR SPECIALIZED CATEGORY APPLICATION REQUIRED DOCUMENTS Companies who wish to register under the DPR Permit Specialized Category are required to possess relevant and verifiable technical/special skills. For DPR Specialized Category Jobs / Contracts, click HERE Note: The
In this blog, we explained 3 OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY SERVICE PERMITS (OGISP), requirements, the official fees and processing fee of each permits categories. Department Of Petroleum Resources (DPR) has special permits for OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY SERVICE