Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) is one of mandatory requirements to obtain Department of Petroleum Resource (DPR) Offshore Safety Permit (OSP) in Nigeria.
Offshore Safety Permit (OSP) is DPR Permit issued to thos who work in Nigerian Oil and Gas Offshore environment. Read more for OSP
What is BOSIET or BOSIET Certificate?
BOSIET stands for BASIC OFFSHORE SAFETY INDUCTION AND EMERGENCY TRAINING. It is a course created to assist in meeting the initial offshore safety training, emergency response training and assessment requirements for personnel new to the offshore oil and gas industry.
BOSIE Certificate Training in Nigeria

There are Department of Petroleum Resource (DPR) BOSIET Training accredited agents that give Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) in Nigeria.
As Aziza Nigeria assist Nigerian and foreigners on Offshore Safety Permit (OSP) registrations, we advise all that want to train in Nigeria on BOSIET to used DPR BOSIET Training accredited agent. The list of DPR accredited agents on BOSIET changes from time to time.
We can recommend DPR BOSIET Training accredited agents on BOSIET, AZIZA NIGERIA is not BOSIET training accredited agent.
Read: How to obtain DPR Permits
What is FOET Certificate?
FOET stand for Further Offshore Emergency Training. It is also known as BOSIET Refresher.
FOET (Further Offshore Emergency Training) is the course that you can pass when your BOSIET certificate is running out. It is basically a BOSIET refresher.
The best part of FOET Certificate vs BOSIET Certificate:
FOET training is only one day long compared to 3 days long BOSIET training.
Where to obtain BOSIET Certificate/Training in Nigeria
BOSIET is the most common OPITO approved course which you
can attend in many countries in the world.
For those want to use BOSIET Certificate to obtain DPR Permit for Offshore Safety
Permit (OSP) In Nigeria, you must use DPR BOSIET Training accredited
Contact us for affordable DPR BOSIET Training accredited agents in Nigeria.
Cost of BOSIET training in Nigeria:
Price of BOSIET training course range depending on where you attend the course and how good the competition is in your region. It is in the range of N250,000.00 and N350,000.00. The amount does not play any role here, what matter is “the training agent is a current DPR BOSIET Training accredited agent?”
Read: Business License And Permits In Nigeria
What to expect from the BOSIET Training?
Delegates/ participants on BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training) goes with a range of knowledge and skills relevant to travelling offshore by helicopter and working offshore, including safety induction, fire safety and basic firefighting; first aid; using a CA-EBS; helicopter safety and escape; and survival at sea.
The aim of the BOSIET is to introduce delegates to the specific safety issues and regimes relevant to offshore installations, and to equip them with the basic emergency response knowledge and skills for travelling to and from offshore installations by helicopter.
BOSIET Objectives:
The objectives of the BOSIET Training are that delegates will be able to:
(a) Identify the generic hazards which are specific to offshore oil and gas installations, potential risks associated with those hazards, and how controls are put in place to eliminate or reduce risks.
(b) Identify key offshore related safety regulations and explain the basic safety management concepts
(c) Demonstrate, in a simulated environment, that they can use the safety equipment, and follow procedures in preparing for, and during helicopter emergencies – with particular focus on escaping from a helicopter following ditching
(d) Demonstrate sea survival and first aid techniques/ Performing CPR on a manikin
(e) Demonstrate that they can effectively use basic firefighting equipment, and practice self-rescue techniques in low visibility situations, to include smoke filled areas.
(f) Extinguishing small fire with fire extinguisher
Who Should Attend BOSIET?
This training programme is designed to meet the initial offshore safety and emergency response training requirements for personnel new (or returning) to the offshore oil and gas industry.
Qualification for BOSIET in Nigeria:
No pre-requisites training are required.
BOSIET Validity:
4 years
For assistance, contact us:
Mobile: 08033185898