We explained how to start a money lending business in Nigeria, business registration, license requirements for lending firm/ company and Procedures for Money Lenders License in Nigeria. INTRODUCTION The money lending business currently is, and would keep

A Simple Procedures for Filing of Company’s Annual Returns in Nigeria. In this blog, we explained the procedures for filing of Annual Returns for existing Business Name/ Enterprises and/ or Incorporated companies in Nigeria. The procedures and
INTRODUCTION Pension Systems were introduced by employers to protect their employees against old age poverty. The essence, therefore, is to provide income after retirement that could at least meet the basic financial needs of retirees. In this

BUREAU OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT (BPP) DOCUMENT FOR NATIONAL SHOPPING FOR PUBLIC PROCUREMENT IN NIGERIA FIRST EDITION Section I—Instructions to Suppliers A. Introduction General. 1.1 “Day” means calendar day. B. Request for Quotations Contents of the Request for Quotations. 2.1 This

BUREAU OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT (BPP) STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT For the Procurement of Goods Section 4, 5, 6 & 7. Click for Section 1. Click for Section 2 & 3. Section 4. Special Conditions of Contract Instructions for completing the

BUREAU OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT (BPP) STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT For the Procurement of Goods Section 2 & 3. Section 2. Special Instructions to Tenderers Instructions for completing the Special Instructions to Tenderers are provided, as needed, in the notes in

BPP STANDARD TENDER FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF SMALL WORKS 4, 5, 7 & 8 Read: Section 1 Read: Section 2 & 3 Section 4. Special Conditions of Contract Instructions for completing the Special Conditions of Contract are provided, as

BPP STANDARD TENDER FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF SMALL WORKS 2 & 3 Read: Section One Read: Section 4, 5, 7 & 8 Section 2. Special Instructions To Tenderers Instructions for completing the Special Instructions To Tenderers are provided,

Important Notice to Users This Standard Bidding Document (SBD) has been prepared by the Bureau of Public Procurement for the Procurement of Small Works and Related Services under National Competitive Tendering (NCT) when financed by the National

BPP STANDARD TENDER FOR THE PROCUREMENT OF SMALL WORKS Section One Read: Section 2 & 3 Read: Section 4, 5, 7 & 8 Section 1: Instructions to Tenderers A. General 1. Scope of Tender 1.1 The Employer,

BPP PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES MANUAL For PUBLIC PROCUREMENT SECOND EDITION JANUARY 2011 USE OF THE PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES MANUAL The policies on public procurement are defined in the relevant laws and regulations governing procurement in Nigeria. This manual provides

PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ACT, 2007 ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS Read: BPP, Objectives, Functions & Powers SECTION : PART I — ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL COUNCIL ON PUBLIC PROCUREMENT 1. Establishment of the National Council on Public Procurement and its

Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) Registration The Bureau of Public Procurement is the regulatory body that is responsible for monitoring and providing oversight for public procurement of goods, services or constructions in Nigeria. The Bureau is responsible

What is Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP)? What are the objectives? What are the functions? & Powers of Bureau of Public Procurement in Nigeria? In this blog, we will give answer to the above questions as much

As a business owner who want to register and obtain SCUML certificate, what and what do you need to complete your SCUML registration? SCUML registration can be done on their various offices in Nigeria or can carried
Read How to Register with SCUML SCUML registration can be done on their various offices in Nigeria or can carried out through the SCUML online registration platform. DNFIs are advised to visit SCUML website for guidance www.scuml.org As at the time
Companies that Needs SCUML Registration Read: What is SCUML? WHO ARE DESIGNATED NON-FINANCIAL INSTITUTION (DNFIS)? Designated Non-Financial Institutions that are suppose to register with SCUML are businesses below: Dealers in jewelry, Dealers in luxury goods,

Are you thinking or wondering how to write your business plan in Nigeria? There are 1001 successful businesses to do in Nigeria, how to do is what matters. Everybody can cook soup, but not everybody can cook

That there are great business opportunities and big markets in Nigeria should not make you to jump into the market without some precaution. Many people have made huge and huge amount of profits and losses in Nigeria

Honey Farming and Beekeeping (apiculture) Training Nigeria Honey Processing Training EXPO WITH CHIEF AUDU OGBEH (Nigerian Minister of Agriculture) Honey Expo with IFAD President Completed BEEKEEPING/ Honey Training Sessions For training and other assistance, you

Business Owner and Tax in Nigeria. When you want to do business in Nigeria, the first thing to do is Business or Company Registration; the next question will be your Tax Matters. Filling of your Value Added

ONLINE TAX PAYMENT BEGINS in Nigeria Taxpayers can now pay their taxpayers online by logging into the internet banking platform of any commercial bank in Nigeria, choosing the FIRS link and following the prompting. This is the

Have Access to Bid for Contracts in Nigerian Oil & Gas Contracts A new normal is possible in Nigeria. For several years before now, it has been so difficult for one to register his business or company

Register as a CONTRACTOR with The NATIONAL PENSION COMMISSION (PenCom) 1. COMPANY DETAILS i. Date of Registration/Incorporation ii. Certificate No iii. Paid Up Capital (if applicable) iv. Name/ Address/ Signature of Director/Partners v. Names of Key Staff

PenCom Certificate/ Registration Service in Nigeria. The National Pension Commission (PenCom) and the Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) have agreed that henceforth, only compliance certificates issued by the commission would be the valid evidence of compliance with the Public

We offer full-service accounting and monthly filling of financial records for financial statement preparation services to make your financial information easy to access at anytime and to prepare the final audited financial statement. Do you need

Get a Complete Business Support Service Package Ready to start a business in Nigeria? With Aziza Nigeria, you are ensured to experience a quick and easy business setup. Our unified services approach lets you begin your company

In this post, we explained what is Value Added Tax (VAT), VAT rates and VAT Requirements in Nigeria. The key requirements to obtain VAT in Nigeria are, you must have a registered business name or company in

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in Nigeria. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in Nigeria is an identification number used by Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in their states for administration of tax. Every

How to make change your old business/ company name and the process applying for change business/ company name in Nigeria. In this blog, all you need to change your company name in Nigeria and every requirement are

OTHER RELATED BUSINESS REGISTRATION SERVICES WE DO FOR CLIENTS INCLUDES: Note: All our services are within Nigeria. Change of Company Name Change of Registered Company Address Change of Partners Appointment/Change of Directors, Secretary & Shareholders Filing of

HOW TO RE-REGISTER COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES AS UNLIMITED COMPANY IN NIGERIA Purchase an application in the prescribed form signed by two directors and the Secretary. Submit the duly completed application form in triplicate which should
Registeration of Incorporated Trustees (NGO’s) in Nigeria Incorporated Trustees are organization like Church, Club, Mosque and NGO. HOW TO REGISTER. visit https://services.cac.gov.ng/ Step 1: Search for Availability of the name Step 2: Buy Procurement of application form
HOW TO INCREASE YOUR EXISTING COMPANY SHARE CAPITAL IN NIGERIA Your company must be in existence before you can increase its share capital. For a new company, all you need is to apply for the number

A business or company is said to be legal or formal in Nigeria if it is registered in Nigeria with the Corporate Affairs Commission. Nigeria is a good ground for business though with some risk, the risks

HOW TO REGISTER COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE IN NIGERIA In this blog, you will get all the information you need to register company or incorporate of Company limited by guarantee in Nigeria. The first thing to do
Curabitur pharetra interdum suscipit. Nulla varius accumsan mauris, quis elementum neque volutpat vitae. Fusce ornare dolor faucibus sem adipiscing bibendum. Donec sollicitudin rutrum purus, et dapibus sapien lacinia eget.